Archive Storage Services
Cleardata offers secure archive storage services throughout the UK. Premises are monitored by CCTV 24/7 and have biometric entry systems with zoned access controls, so only authorised staff can access specific areas in our premises. Our archive storage facilities also have advanced technology, including fire and flood controls, that prevents any potential hazards from damaging your documents.
We are an accredited company with ISO awards for information security and quality management systems. Cleardata works with a wide range of clients from all sectors, including legal, medical and patient record storage, so you can rest assured your documents are in safe hands.
Our service includes our online archive management system Cleardox AMS for all customers. This cloud solution provides clients with the ability to fully manage archives stored off-site. Users can request retrievals, see a full statement of records stored, view an audit trail of any physical interaction by user, time and date. The Cleardox system even provides automated notifications for archives due for destruction. What better way to ensure compliance with GDPR requirements.
Watch our video below to find out more about our archive storage services. Cleardata can collect documents from any UK location and store in our secure document storage facility. We also have an on-site document scanning bureau, so our team can digitise documents and return quickly as and when required.
Archive Storage
Benefits of outsourcing your archive storage:-
- Increased office space – moving documents to our facility means you don’t need bookshelves and filing cabinets, decluttering your office.
- Manage archives efficiently – our online archive management enables you to manage documents stored offsite efficiently. The system offeres managed storage dates and provides notifications for archives coming to the end of their storage period. This ensures you only keep archives in line with your document retention schedules saving money and ensuring compliance with GDPR.
- Increased workflow and employee efficiency – we can digitise and send your documents to your desktop within hours of being requested. This saves a lot of employee time, and editing and sharing documents online is much easier and more convenient, speeding up work processes. Records can be requested via our Cleardox AMS system.
- Ensure document security and make sure no data protection breaches occur – Our document storage facilities are reliable, secure and protected against theft, loss and damage.
- Fully tracked – any physical movement is fully tracked using our barcode management and archive management system. This allows you to see any interaction with you records and provides a full audit trail.
Secure Collection with Tracked Vehicles
Cleardata can collect your documents from your UK premises using our secure tracked vehicles. Your documents are then checked in immediately upon reaching our premises, using a barcode system to ensure that your archive boxes are always accounted for.
Archive Management
Our document archiving service begins with barcoding and indexing your boxes on arrival. The team will check your incoming boxes against your index list to ensure there are no missing boxes/files. They can also create an index list for you. For example, patient records can be indexed by First Name, Surname, Date of Birth and NHS Number. This enables your records to retrieved quickly and easily. Our team can also add keep until dates and destruction dates so you only keep your archives for a managed period. Cleardata offers secure on-site document destruction assured to BS EN 15713.
Archive Storage and Retrieval
Cleardata offers scan on demand storage. Our on-site document scanning bureau means we can digitally return your documents within hours from your initial request. Our document storage and retrieval, scan on demand service is a popular choice for clients, who can access their documents quickly and in the much preferred digital format.
Secure Archive Storage
Our secure archive storage facility offers 24 hour CCTV, secure perimeter fencing, biometric fingerprint entry, VESDA (very early smoke detection alert) system and an enhanced water detection system.
Once your documents have been indexed and archived by Cleardata, accessing documents you need becomes quick and easy. With our Scan on Demand service, you request a file either online or email and a member of our fully trained and qualified staff will retrieve, scan and send over the document in digital form without just a matter of hours.
Only authorised users can access your records and a full audit trail is provided for any physical interaction with your records.
Cleardata has developed Cleardox AMSS, an bespoke online Archive Management System which provides a full statement of records stored offsite. Cleardox enables users to request retrievals, extend store until and manage destruction dates, request destruction or additional collections. Users can also run reports on their archived records in order to control archives stored offsite.
Cleardata offers secure ftp site for its Scan on Demand service. Alternatively records can be uploaded to our cloud document management system.