Blackburn With Darwen Council – HR Scanning

Project Background HR Scanning Services

Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council is one of the largest Boroughs in Lancashire.  The council serves a population of around 148,000 people.

Their Human Resources Department wanted to digitise their Employee Records to provide more office space following an office re-structure.  The HR team were originally split into two floors in their building and had moved onto the same floor to bring them together.  This had caused a crowded office space as HR files were stored in 11 x 6ft tambour filing cabinet, resulting in minimal space for staff.

The Council were also keen to meet their Digital Strategy Objective of “Digital First for their Customers, Workforce, Borough and Partners.”


  • Cleardata collected the HR files and transported them to their secure scanning bureau in the North East of England.
  • Files were checked in/out of each process providing a secure audit trail using Cleardata’s barcode management tracking system.
  • Scan on demand file retrieval was made available throughout the project.
  • HR Files were prepped, with all paperclips and staples removed.
  • All documents were scanned to 300 dpi and digitised in accordance with BS 10008:2014, the legal admissibility standard for electronic information
  • Files were indexed by unique employee ID, first name and surname to enable fast search and digital retrieval.
  • Digitised files were returned by secure SFTP for import into their HR System.
  • The physical files were securely stored for three months, then confidentially destroyed.

Customer Feedback

“We chose Cleardata for our HR Scanning Project as part of a competitive tender process. The key reason for selecting them was their exceptional quality assurance processes.

Cleardata provided an overall good experience. Records were collected and scanned in a phased approach, allowing us to box up the documents at our own pace.  We had no problems with access to HR data during the scanning project thanks to their Scan on Demand Service.  This allowed us to make a file request when needed and it was digitally delivered back in a timely and prompt manner.

The Project was delivered on time and we found all Cleardata’s staff pleasant and professional to deal with, from the Account Director to the friendly Drivers and Bureau Team.

The digitisation has made a massive difference to our office, opening up our floor area and providing a much more pleasant working space. We’re also using a lot less time in retrieving the digital HR records, which is providing efficiencies for our team.”  HR Consultant, Blackburn With Darwen Council