A Space Saving Essential – Cleardox Electronic Document Management

Electronic Data Management, EDM, Cleardata EDM

It’s a common fact now that offices are getting smaller. There is generally less need for space in the age of flexible and remote working, the looming end for desktop computers and the popularity of serviced office spaces. However, documents still require space to be stored, whether in filing cabinets, boxes or cupboards. But, there may be a solution to this growing problem – Electronic Document Management (EDM).

Of course, there is an abundance of physical and logistical reasons to shun the filing cabinets in favour of an electronic system, but there are also many other reasons. Take security as an example. One ill-fated fire would spell the end for important documents kept within the office. You should also consider whether some potentially sensitive documents should be kept somewhere that is theoretically easy to break into for whatever reason.

The migration to an electronic document management system brings with it a mass of benefits, but how exactly can they impact operations.

Live File Scanning

Scanning and digitising old files and documents is the quickest way to reduce the amount of wasted space in the office and for organising documents in a way that is easy to access when needed. But, there are other benefits to EDM. Consider how useful live file scanning could be for your business. Live scanning offers the following:

  • Receive high-quality digital images of live documents, storing them indefinitely on your EDM and preventing any theft or loss of sensitive information.
  • Make your documents easy to retrieve when you need them most with Optical Character Recognition (OCR). This saves you a lot of time when looking for specific files.
  • Scanning these documents through Cleardata means the images are scanned to BS10008, ensuring that the quality is checked by two different operatives and that it is legally admissible.
  • The files can be delivered in either JPEG, PDF or TIFF, decided upon by you.
  • Files are securely returned by SFTP, encrypted USB, Hard Drive, or you can use our unique cloud document management system – Cleardox.

Digital File Management

Once all the files are out of the office, it’s crucial that they are managed and organised properly to ensure that you can find them when you need them to hand. Our dedicated cloud document management software, Cleardox EDM, is the best option for effective and efficient document management. Here’s why:

  • Access documents from anywhere in the world, which is imperative to effective remote working.
  • Using the search functionality, you can find your files quickly by simply entering a search term. Cleardox features keyword, wildcard and advanced search functionality
  • You can use Cleardox EDM 24/7 365 as long as you have an internet connection and a device.
  • Classify documents and files using the inbuilt metadata to allow for a smooth storage and organisation process.
  • You can view a full audit trail of the comings and goings in the Cleardox EDM system with users, dates, times and actions to ensure full accountability.
  • Specify group and user permissions to restrict certain users to what they can and can’t access within the Cleardox EDM system.
  • All servers are homed within the UK in line with EU GDPR standards and laws.

Paperless is the Future

A paperless society is the best route forward for any business, and the benefits are clear for all to see. Not only is it a logistical boost, but also an economical and efficient way forward. Find out more about our solutions by contacting one of our expert team on 0800 046 8081.

For further details about our document scanning services call 0800 046 8081 today or use our instant quote tool online now!Quick Quote