Estimate your document scanning prices, using Cleardata’s online calculator
Businesses often think it is more cost effective to carry out document scanning in-house, but they soon realise how much time it takes up and quickly uncover the hidden costs associated. But how do companies determine the scale of their projects or calculate their document scanning prices?
As one of the UK’s leading document management companies, our clients regularly comment, how much time and resources are needed to scan paperwork in-house. Our online calculator tools have been developed to enable businesses to work out how many documents they have and provide estimated document scanning prices. Click here to get your document scanning quote or watch our 60 second video below to find out more.
How does the service work?
- Paperwork is scanned using high production OCR scanners, converting documents to your preferred format, commonly used are pdf, tiff or jpeg.
- Intelligent Data Capture software allows key information to be extracted from your documents, such as reference numbers, names and addresses.
- Onced scanned, digital images are indexed using pre agreed naming conventions, enabling information to be located, using a single word search.
- Cleardata’s cloud document management software Dart KW can be utilised, allowing information to be uploaded and securely accessed from any location using a web browser. The software provides a full audit trail of your documentation, including version control, document modification and download history. (click here for further information).
For further information about Cleardata’s Document Scanning Services, contact our team on 0800 046 8081 or calculate your Document Scanning Prices using our online calculator.