How An Electronic Document Management System Can Make Your Life Easier

These days, more and more business is carried out digitally. However, most companies will inevitably still have to deal with some paper documents. So how do you go about organising and storing your paper (and electronic) documents in an effective manner that complies with all data security regulations? The answer is an electronic document management system.

Electronic Document Management Description

Cleardata offers Cleardox EDM, which provides a secure online system for your information. Your paper documents can be scanned and stored in the system, alongside your electronic documents, bringing you a whole range of advantages to make your life easier.

1) Documents are available online, from anywhere

With an online electronic document management system, your employees will be able to access business documents at any time and from any place. So if a sales rep is out on a customer visit, for example, they can easily pull up an essential document there and then. This also means that it is easier to implement flexible working solutions such as home office working within your company.

2) Easily manage workflow and authorisations for documents

The flexibility of remote access to your documents doesn’t need to come at the expense of security. In Cleardata’s electronic document management system you can set different people, roles and departments to have exclusive access to certain documents and document types. The electronic audit trail also shows who has accessed each document and when.

3) Never lose track of documents

The filing and indexing system within our document management system is incredibly organised and effective to prevent documents from getting lost or being misfiled. The system offers an automatic tagging system so that files can easily be indexed via key data, stored at the folder level. If Cleardata’s scanning team digitises your documents, we can also use clever software to intelligently extract data from the scanned image, which can then be uploaded to the system as metadata automatically.

4) Control versions and set termination dates

Following on from the above, this indexing system flags and therefore prevents any duplicate versions of documents. Duplicate versions of documents are to be avoided at all costs, as this could lead to confusion, errors and possibly even data security breaches. Similarly, in Cleardox EDM you can set termination dates for documents in line with applicable legislation.

5) Find documents quickly and easily

You might be surprised at just how much time and money is wasted by companies looking for documents. Whether it’s in the depths of an old file room or searching through inconsistent folders on the computer, trying in vain to locate a missing file can be frustrating at least and mean you risk breaking the law at worst.

Not only does the structure and indexing of Cleardox EDM make this much easier, there is also a search function in the system so that you can search for documents by keyword, wildcard or advanced search functionality.

6) Combine with digital mailroom service for even more efficiency

Cleardox electronic document management is just one of the products and services that Cleardata offers. It works hand in hand really well with another of our services: digital mailroom. If you make use of our digital mailroom service, we can handle all incoming mail on your behalf and upload it directly into the Cleardox EDM system. This includes handling all paper application forms, invoices and more, which are then forwarded to the appropriate departments. This way, you never have to deal with paper mail and only deal with the digital versions of all documents, properly filed and indexed.

If you would like to discuss how Cleardox EDM or digital mailroom could bring improved order and efficiency to your business, simply get in touch with Cleardata today on 0800 046 8081 or using our contact form.