How Can Electronic Document Management Enable Homeworking?
With employees working from home it can be easy to slow down business productivity with lack of access to documentation and data, monitoring and compliance concerns. Thankfully, Cleardata can provide a solution in the form of an Electronic Document Management System.
Cleardata’s Cleardox system is a secure cloud based digital filing cabinet for all of your documents, a perfect solution for home workers, providing flexible access with a secure audit trail. No software is required, just access to a standard web browser. This can help keep your organisation’s productivity levels high and enable business continuity during difficult times and when unexpected challenges arise.
The system allows companies to set document groups for different departments, roles and users, ensuring only those with the appropriate permissions can access relevant documents.
It also enables documents to be indexed in a consistent and compliant manner. For example, if you need every HR record to have metadata tags for record type, name, surname, date of birth,start date and employee number it can be easily achieved. Ensuring your business ticks all the boxes for business compliance and regulatory requirements such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations).
To arrange a demo, please contact our team or call 0800 046 8081.
In addition to cloud document management, Cleardata can scan your office based paper records and upload to the system, providing digital access for all your information. Older archives can also be stored offsite at our secure document storage facility and scanned as and when required via our scan on demand service
Our business operates in a secure environment, assured for information security, quality management, cyber security and legal admissibility of electronic documentation.
What are the benefits of Electronic Document Management?
Increased Productivity
Cleardata’s Electronic Document Management System allows employees to keep working efficiently, flexibly accessing the documents they need from home. This means that homeworking will not slow down your productivity due to lack of document access, and instead, the EDM system’s flexibility can help to achieve KPIs and keep your business running efficiently.
Flexible Access and Home Working
Electronic Document Management provides flexible access for employees from any location using a standard web browser which is ideal for workers who are unable to access their normal office location.
Saved Time
Once documents are uploaded into the cloud they can be efficiently indexed and digitally filed. This easy indexing system helps information to be found quickly and easily using a simple keyword search.
Version Control & Audit Trail
A full audit trail is provided to minimise the risk of data going missing, being misused or accessed by unauthorised people. You’ll be able to keep track of documents and their activity by user, role, date and time to ensure compliance.
The system also offers version control, allowing users to track versions of documents uploaded. Duplicates will also be flagged to prevent any security breaches and confusion for home based employees, effectively ensuring that they are kept up to date and compliant following all activity, seeing who accessed each document and when.
Data Security & GDPR Compliance
Our Electronic Document Management System is fully secure and options for access control levels to approved employees with relevant permissions to view documents and data.
Cleardata UK Ltd is also a fully certified, leading document management company in the UK. Our business is assured to:-
- BS 10012 for the Personal Information Management System, which is aligned with the GDPR regulations.
- ISO9001 & ISO27001 for Quality Management and Information Security.
- BS 10008:2014 for Legal Admissibility of Electronic Information.
- Cyber Essentials Plus
- BS EN 15713 Secure destruction of confidential information
For further information about our Cleardox Electronic Document Management System and how it can allow home working call 0800 046 8081 or contact our team to arrange a demo.