Microfiche, Microfilm & Aperture Card Scanning
Cleardata offers secure scanning and digitisation services for Microfilm, Microfiche and Aperture Cards. We use our fleet of Sunrise Apollo Scanners to digitise your data and can provide a fast service throughout the UK. Our team of bureau operatives will expertly convert your film, fiche or cards to any required format. A popular choice is PDF or TIFF. Once in a digital format, your data can be shared and accessed quickly by multiple users or locations.
With new GDPR compliance in force requiring businesses to perform subject access requests within a guaranteed time, data stored on microfilm, microfiche and aperture cards can cause an issue. For example, Pension or Finance Records may be stored on these devices, with limited access. Digitising your fiche and film can help with compliance, ensuring records are readily accessible when you need them.
we scanning
- If you need help in assessing your type of data and volumes our team will be happy to help, contact us to get in touch.
- Our fleet of vehicles can collect from any UK location. We even offer a boxing up service if required.
- We have a team of microfilm and microfiche scanning operatives who can index your data by any required field, enabling you to have readily accessible, searchable data from your desktop.
- Our bureau management system ensures data is scanned on time to meet your timescales.
- Assured for Information Security and Quality Management, Cleardata offers a full audit trail from collection to completion of your Microfiche, Microfilm or Aperture Card Digitisation Project.
- We have a team of IT experts who will ensure data is output in a compatible format to suit your existing business systems.
What can we digitise?
- Microfilm either 16mm or 35mm in size
- Microfiche – we can digitise 16mm, 35mm, 3M Cartridge and COM (Computer Output to Microfilm) Fiche
- Aperture Cards of any format
- Photographs
- Documents
For further details about our Microfilm Scanning, Microfiche Scanning or Aperture Card Conversion Services contact our team on 0800 046 8081.