Housing Association Document Management
Cleardata offers document management services to Housing Associations throughout the UK. Our core business services include document scanning, document storage and online document management.
Scanning is popular with Housing Associations allowing them to free up valuable office space, protect important paperwork and access quickly using a simple digital search. Once scanned documents can be uploaded to an on-line document management system allowing access to multiple users from any location.
We have a state of the art, purpose-built, secure scanning and storage facility that allows Housing Departments to free up their office space whilst retaining the security of their documents. Our facility is accredited to ISO27001 for Information Security and ISO9001 for Quality Management Systems.
Documents can be transformed from paper to PDF or TIFF file to suit your needs and then presented via CD, DVD, Memory Stick, Content Management System or secure FTP site.
We digitise and store many types of Housing Association Documents including Council Housing, Council Tax, Housing Finance, Housing Repairs, Housing Benefits, Right to Buy, Sheltered Housing, Surveys, Plans and more.
High Volume Scanning Services
Cleardata have invested in bulk scanning technology, we scan over 3 million images each month. No matter how big or small your documents, our high tech scanners can scan sizeable plans, surveys or drawings to the highest standard. Our scanners can even pick up faint pencil marks and digitise to the highest resolution.
Once scanned, every document undergoes 2 x 100% quality checking. Our Optical Character Recognition software will allow for text in scanned documents to be fully searchable, ensuring you and your staff can retrieve specific files quickly and efficiently.
Store Archives Off-Site With Fast Digital Retrieval
At Cleardata, we have also found that Housing Associations are regularly using our Scan on Demand service. Associations securely store their records at our facility and make a simple file request, using our on-line Archive Management System as and when they need a file. We offer 2 hour guaranteed retrieval, enabling fast access to archived documents. Our securely authorised personnel will retrieve and scan your document within two hours of your request – guaranteed!