Student Records Management

Cleardata provides student records management and student records scanning solutions to educational institutes throughout the UK. Our document scanning, archive storage and low-cost cloud document management software can help manage and control large amounts of student information.

Digitising documents and uploading them to the cloud allows staff to retrieve information quickly and securely, whilst freeing up vital office space.

The company operate from secure premises, protected by the latest security systems and are accredited for Information Security ISO27001 and Quality Management ISO9001. (for a full list of accreditations click here)

Student Records Scanning

Cleardata’s scanning team can digitise large volumes of student information. Our scanning bureau is home to a fleet of high production OCR scanners and we operate using a unique bureau management system, to monitor productivity and cope with increasing demand.

Our quality management team will 2 x 100% quality check images before indexing documents to suit your requirements. Digital images can be returned by CD, DVD, USB or secure FTP.

Archive Storage

As well as our records scanning service, we also provide secure archive storage. Our team of security cleared drivers can collect documents from any UK location. Boxes are transported by fully tracked vehicles and given unique barcode labels to provide a full audit trail of activity.

Cleardata’s premises are monitored by the latest security systems and are protected by early detection fire and food systems. Our archive storage solution can take care of your all your student records management needs. Staff will no longer have to waste time searching through paperwork, thanks to Cleardata’s scan on-demand services which returns digital copies back to staff within 2 hours.

Cloud Document Management

We provide a secure low-cost cloud document management solution to manage your records. Staff can access information from any location using a web browser and access levels can be restricted, depending on user type. Workflow enables records to be automatically sent between staff for approval, this is great for applications, reference requests and change of address and various other tasks which require approval.

Intelligent Data Capture Services

We understand that staff are faced with high levels of processing, manually entering data from forms, surveys and other documentation can be labour intensive and extremely counterproductive. Cleardata provides intelligent data capture services to automatically capture information from your records. Key data such as student number, names and addresses can be extracted from documents and output into a preferred format for input back into your systems.

For further information about Cleardata’s Records Management Services or Student Records Scanning please call 0800 046 8081 today or contact our team for more information Contact Us

School Academies – Efficient Document Management

Is your school academy or multi academy trust (MAT) looking to improve document management systems?    Cleardata offers a range of document management services and systems that can helpSchool Academies Document Management Services you operate efficiently, reduce paperwork and improve compliance.

The number of school academies is on the increase and the Department for Education have recently stated they want far more schools residing in strong families e.g. Multi Academy Trusts by 2025.

For Academy Trusts in the process of setting up, or managing their own document management systems, Cleardata’s services and solutions can help meet GDPR data protection legislation. The Information and Records Management Society offers a free Toolkit for Schools, providing a library of information. This includes:-

  • Records management policies
  • Pupil records guidance
  • Information audits
  • Management and monitoring of electronic communications
  • Information security, business continuity and digital continuity
  • Safe disposal of records at the end of their retention period
  • School closures and record keeping
  • Checklist for storage of physical records
  • The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
  • Retention guidelines

How Can Cleardata Help?

Document Storage – Storing your school academy records offsite ensures documents are held in a secure environment, protected by the latest fire and security systems.  Cleardata is registeredDocument Storage Services as a data controller via the ICO and is fully certified for Information Security, Personal Information Management, Cyber Security, Business Continuity and Quality Management Systems.

Records are fully tracked using barcode management from the point of collection, throughout any physical interaction e.g. file retrieval or destruction.  Cleardata has a fleet of vehicles, offering collection throughout the UK.  Our team provide validation of files received on arrival and can even provide data indexing services, to record agreed file details, providing full archive management and ensuring GDPR compliance.

Our facility offers high volume document scanning services, enabling your academies files to be scanned when required and digitally returned, providing fast retrieval within hours of request. The company also has onsite shredding services, enabling records to be destroyed to BS EN 15713 standards for confidential destruction.

Cleardata’s secure storage customers also benefit from our online archive management system, Cleardox AMS. This flexible solution, accessible from any location using a standard web browser, enables users to perform tasks at the touch of a button!  Users can:-

  • Request additional collections or additional boxes
  • Request file retrievals
  • Extending storage periods or request destruction
  • Receive automated destruction notifications – setup to meet your compliance requirements and ensuring records are only kept for the required retention periods.
  • View reports, providing full details of records stored offsite as well as a full physical audit trail

Document Scanning – Cleardata’s scanning bureau is one of the largest in the UK.  Utilising the latest IBML and Kodak scanning technology ourDocument Scanning Services - Cleardata team can scan around 11 million images every month!  Documents of any size can be digitised, in colour, mono or greyscale to any required format.  Images are scanned to BS 10008 for legal admissibility and quality checked by two separate operators, providing the very highest quality.

Free up valuable space in your school academy by digitising your records. Scanned images can be returned by encrypted USB, hard drive or secure file transfer.  We also offer a low cost cloud document management system, Cleardox EDM, which provides flexible access to your documents from any location, enabling agile working for your team as well as a compliant solution with the latest in cyber security systems.

Cloud Document Management – Once in digital format store your school academy records in our compliant electronic document management system.   Cleardox EDM can manage records securely, providing user or role-based access for various record types, e.g. Human Resources, Health and Safety, Financial or Property Management.  Not only that, but users will be able to access data from any location, providing an agile solution for staff or trustees whether they’re working from home or in school.


  • Agile working – access digital records online from anywhere via a standard internet browser
  • Fast search – Cleardox EDM offers ClearSearch, enabling users to find information quickly and easily. It also allows users to search the cloud based system whilst using other products, such as Word, Excel or Sage
  • Improve security – digital data is stored in the UK and protected by the latest cyber security systems, with 24/7 monitoring via a security operations centre
  • Improve compliance – view a full audit trail for your records, with reports providing activity by time, date, user and action.  Control access to documents by user, department or role
  • Indexing & classification – folders can be set up with inherent metadata, ensuring users index and classify documents in a consistent manner

For further information about Cleardata’s School Academies Document Management Services and Solutions contact our team now, or try our quote tools to calculate your costs.


 Discover how we can help your business by watching our one minute videos about our student records scanning, archive storage and cloud document management services.

Document Scanning

Archive Storage Services

Cloud Document Management

For further information about Cleardata’s Records Management Services or Student Records Scanning please call 0800 046 8081 today or contact our team for more information Contact Us

Efficient Processing of Student Records

Universities and colleges deal with high volumes of application forms, which due to their nature need a fast response, but because of seasonal workloads can be difficult to manage.  Manual processing of this type of paperwork can be costly, demanding large amounts of time-consuming tasks,  such as data entry and causing delays in responding to applicants. Valuable office space can also be taken up by paperwork, with high archive costs.

Digital mail room, document scanning and automated capture software, offers an efficient alternative to  manual student records processing, including :-

  • Opening, sorting, scanning and classification of  applications on arrival
  • Verification and increased accuracy of incoming applications
  • Automated data extraction to reduce manual processing costs
  • Workflow to direct applications to the right person in your university or college
  • Fast record retrieval, through digital keyword search functionality
  • Digital archive of records, providing a secure backup of student files which can be shared and accessed by staff from multiple offices and locations.

Cleardata provides a digital mail room for student application forms, with forms being opened, sorted and scanned on arrival. Utilising clever data capture technology our team can automatically extract student information such as name, address, proposed course reference and date of birth, providing a digital data file for import into existing business systems.

Information can be verified on arrival, by checking data against existing university databases, e.g. course reference,  to provide accurate information. Once verified, applications can be sorted by type and automatically distributed to the correct person in the university to deal with and process.  Easy workflow buttons can also be set up to review, approve or decline the application, prompting letters to be sent out by back office staff.

For further information about Cleardata’s student application processing call 0800 046 8081.